Behold he makes all things new...even me!

Friday, December 9, 2011
  I just read a friends post on facebook about how God makes all things new, and I thought about how true that is!  It has been a long time since I have "blogged" about anything that has been going on in my life. So I thought I would start out "fresh" and talk a little bit on here.  

  God definitely has been making things new, maybe some times not as fast as I would like but he is working!  There are some areas of my life that I cling to selfishly yet, thinking I can do it on my own...but I should know better.  You know that feeling you get when you feel like you are gonna fall, or when you drop something and you think it's going to break?  That panic sorta sock in the gut feeling?  Thats the feeling I get when I think of my life being different than what it is now...I SAY I want God to change me but do I really mean it?  I mean, one way or the other he is gonna change me, whether I help him or not right?  I think we ( meaning me) tend to utter the words.."Lord change me, make me new"  but with our minds we are saying  "  No, please leave me in the comfortable spot I am in!"  Our minds and hearts cling like seran wrap to the comfortability of life, and we don't want to change!  

  Change is coming though, my husband and I will be moving at the beginning of January..what a way to start out the new year huh?  This is a blessing, and will truly benefit and help the long run. Right now, we are saying ughhhh...we hate moving.  Through this though, God is steering us and guiding us in the direction he wants us to go....we kind of just follow along.  There is so much God has done, and there is SO much he has done to change me, and I don't want to get "stuck" in a rut of stubbornness and not be willing to change anymore....when God speaks we need to listen and rely on Him only...for who else can help us but him?  

So, pray for me that I may be truly willing to completely change for the good of Gods kingdom.....this journey of life is such a rollercoaster sometimes....:)