Day one begins tomorrow...I think :-)

Sunday, April 10, 2011
  Ok this is my first attempt at a blog, not sure how all this works so all you tech savy peeps out there would you please lend a girl a helping hand?  

  I am attempting a new journey in my life, really wanting to be healthier and just feel better about myself, and by healthier I don't mean as skinny as a tooth pick.  I simply mean, to eat as I should and treat my body as God would want me to.  This is something that God has been speaking to me for awhile about, but it is very hard for me.  I would appreciate any encouragement, helpful hints, anything you all can give me to set me on the right track.  I will warn you right now, I have a pity me button and it gets pushed a lot.  Don't be afraid to be a little "firm" with me to get me back to where I need to be.  The main thing I need to remember is that I am not doing this on my own, or for myself.  Being obedient to God is the number one key here, and I know that he is always with me.  


  1. You can do this!! I might be a few hours away, but I am here to help as much as I can!

  1. Thanks Rachel...need all the encouragement I can get. Lets make it a habit to check on each other daily and share our good and bad through this whole journey!

  1. lace said...:

    Looks good so far. You have actually started out better than I did. I had no idea what I wanted my blog to be about when I started it. You have a theme so "Way to Go!"

  1. Thanks Lace!! It is a work in progress!

  1. Alexia said...:

    I like your header up there!

    The worst part of having a blog is coming up with titles. I'm just warning ya. LOL

  1. Kristy said...:

    Hey, Danella...if you're wanting to lose weight, even though you don't want to look like a toothpick, I encourage you to get your vitamin D and TSH levels checked out. I just had mine done, during a routine blood test. My D level was 12 (optimal being 50-80) and my TSH was 6.59 when the normal shouldn't be above 4.68.

    So an underactive thyroid and way too low D explains why I haven't been able lose weight no matter how good I am on a diet.

    In case you think you get enough milk or sunshine, studies prove that anyone living north of Atlanta, GA is usually deficient. Especially by the time spring rolls around.

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